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Women at Wilcom​ IWD2024

Women at Wilcom

International Women’s Day #IWD2024 is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women around the world. 

At Wilcom, we are privileged to have many remarkable women. Join us as we hear from just a few of them, who will share insights into their backgrounds, sources of inspiration, and the valuable lessons they’ve learned on their journeys.

At Wilcom International, we spotlight just a few of the inspiring women who drive innovation, lead with passion, and redefine possibilities in the embroidery industry!

Mai Huynh


“I fell in love with the efficiency and quality of Barudan machines during my brief time as a machinist. It was the most valuable lesson in becoming an embroidery digitizer.”

Can you tell us about your journey at Wilcom and how you got started in the embroidery industry?

I’ve always loved fashion. Growing up, my mum, a machinist, worked from home, and we often had scrap fabric lying around. I used these scraps to make Barbie outfits, as clothes were expensive and out of our reach. Encouraged to make my own clothes, I later studied fashion and textiles. 

My first experience with machine embroidery was working for the main distributor of Tajima, ZSK, and Compucon software. Family and friends had no idea and thought I was embroidering by hand... I was actually training to be a digitizer. 🧵

Using Wilcom ES45 version 5 and a Wacom tablet, I created my first embroidery design, which took me 10 hours! I had more to learn, and I studied Wilcom’s manual and became proficient. Wilcom was so easy to use that the shortcut keys quickly became second nature, and I still use them today!

This year will mark my 20th anniversary with Wilcom, starting in content creation and moving through various roles. I love being at the forefront of industry developments.

Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests?

I like to create and when I’m not at work, you will find me in the kitchen whipping up a storm.👩🏻‍🍳

If you could dine with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

I would love to have dinner with Cristobal Balenciaga, he is the Master of Construction. I would love to learn the craft from him.

Can you share a fun fact or something unique about yourself?

It’s amusing when people assume everything I own is embroidered, but the truth is the opposite. I actually prefer things plain. The simpler, the better! 

What technological device or software can you not live without?

I can’t live without my iPhone. 📱 I feel completely lost when I forget it at home.

What is your greatest ambition?

To work for the best in the Industry, I truly believe that Wilcom is the best embroidery software. But it’s not just for embroidery!  I’ve made many kids birthday invitations, create vectors for laser cutting, drawn up my kitchen cabinetry, it’s my go to tool! 🌟

International Womens Day

Vanja Keres

CFO/Executive Director

“Success is about personal satisfaction and growth. I believe success is an ongoing journey, and I’m continually striving to reach new heights.”

What is one of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned in your career so far, or what is the best career advice you’ve ever received?

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in my career is to embrace continuous learning. The best career advice I ever received was to stay curious, never stop growing professionally and refrain from offering advice unless requested. 😉

How do you balance your work commitments with your family life and hobbies? 

Balancing work commitments with family and hobbies can be a juggling act. It tends to work out if you’re organized and have a supportive family. Like everyone else, there are challenging moments, but with the right support, you can manage it.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Absolutely, younger self, don’t shy away from taking risks. Also, don’t let every comment weigh you down; not every opinion needs your attention. 🤷‍♀️ Trust your path and keep moving forward. 

What’s something on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?

I have got a bunch of countries I’m itching to visit and explore. I’m definitely addicted to traveling, and the thrill of it just lights me up. 🌍

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

Given my birth on the Adriatic Sea, my soul craves the beach. 🏖️ The perfect day involves soaking up the sun and enjoying an early morning stroll with my dog. The routine may shift to a leisurely breakfast with family and friends on a typical weekend.

Absolutely love the dinners and going out! Can’t resist them and always make sure not to miss out on the fun.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

If I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to heal or cure people.

If you could dine with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

It’s hard to pick only one, but I would choose Leonardo da Vinci or Nikola Tesla first. It would be fascinating to gain insights into the mind of such a polymath and visionary thinker like Leonardo. The inspiration behind Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile and the artistic challenges he encountered during the process would be captivating. 

Then there’s our legend, Nikola Tesla, and the mysteries of his inventive mind. Others stealing his ideas and understanding the challenges he faced during his lifetime would be an enlightening experience. 💡

International Womens Day

Kim Goodwin

Home Business Manager

“One of my most valuable lessons has been to ‘Pass it on.’ When I asked how to repay a friend who helped me immensely, she said, ‘Just pass it on.’ That’s been my mission for over 30 years.”

Can you tell us about your journey at Wilcom and how you got started in the embroidery?

I’ve had a passion for sewing and hand embroidery since the age of 4. My passion went from necessity to hobby to business to corporate. Hand embroidery turned into machine embroidery that is where you find me today.

My first involvement with Wilcom was in 1991 and my first Wilcom product was ES45. I’ve owned several other software, but always a Wilcom version. I’ve worked with Wilcom through their home and commercial products. While I’ve had many other jobs during this time, it’s most exciting when working on a new product or with customers. 🤝

What is your greatest ambition?

My ambition changes over the years. For now, it is to leave my knowledge and skills for someone else to continue pushing forward.

How do you define success, and do you feel you’ve achieved it? 

Feeling good about what you have done. Yes, I have arrived at being successful! 🌟

How do you inspire and motivate others in your team or community?

I strive to inspire my team to learn more and be excited about what they do. I want to motivate others in my community to be caring and be willing to “be there” when there is a need.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Never get tired!

If you could dine with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

King Henry VIII, because he is in my family line. 👑

International Womens Day

Maria Palma

Marketing Coordinator

“Wilcom’s support for my hybrid 4-day workweek enables me to dedicate quality time to my family while maintaining a focus on work and personal well-being.”

Can you tell us about your journey at Wilcom and how you got started in the embroidery?

With a strong passion for fashion and textile design, I began my career at a manufacturing house back in 1993. I guess that means I’ve been in the embroidery industry for over 30 years now. Wow! 

The sports apparel company used Wilcom software for all their logo work, eventually hiring an in-house digitizer. My role was in production, specifically printing plot sheets (production worksheets) and color-coordinating each logo to each garment color for retail and events. Over time, I became so familiar with Madeira’s thread colors that I could easily recall the numbers by heart, and still can. 🎨 🧵

As the company grew and my experience in embroidery expanded, my responsibilities evolved into a series of creative positions. Five years ago, this journey led me to Wilcom, where my goal is to inspire through embroidery. I am continually amazed by the endless possibilities this medium offers.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would say to focus on self-trust. Being true to yourself is crucial for finding your path and realizing your potential. Don’t cling too tightly to expectations or outcomes and trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

Who has been your biggest influence or mentor, and how have they impacted your life?

My friends have been my biggest mentors. They encourage me to be more than I think I can be. 

What is your greatest ambition?

I feel fortunate to have realized my greatest ambition, but I see it as a lifelong journey rather than a one-time achievement. Despite facing challenges and societal norms, I found the courage to create my family. 🦁

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

To be in two places simultaneously.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

It would begin with breakfast by the beach or bay!

What technological device or software is indispensable to you?

Definitely the Maps app! There always seems to be somewhere new to explore, with speed limits to keep in check and traffic to avoid. I can’t imagine how I ever managed without it.

Does the humble kettle count? Before diving into any technological device or software, a quick pick-me-up coffee is essential.

International Womens Day

Kerry Meyers

Wilcom Europe

“My best advice is simple – genuine kindness and interest in others. It’s like a boomerang. It always comes back to you.”

Can you tell us about your journey at Wilcom and how you got started in the embroidery?

I was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. My family moved to South Africa a few years later. At 20, I met my husband, who ran his own embroidery production firm. When he first told me he did embroidery for a living, I laughed and thought he was joking, as the only embroidery that I knew was hand embroidery. 

As soon as I saw the multi-head embroidery machines humming away, I was hooked and fell in love with what then seemed like magic! 💙

I immediately wanted to create embroidery designs. After trialed various embroidery software systems, the deciding factor for me was the quality of the 4mm text. The exact same text was created across different software systems and embroidered on the same machine. Wilcom’s text won hands down, with the most clearly embroidered finish, and had incredible creative stitch effects.

How do you define success, and do you feel you’ve achieved it? 

Success to me is – being happy with imperfection. Perfection is impossible, you are setting yourself unrealistic, unattainable goals. As long as you are doing your best, that is good enough. 😊

What advice would you give your younger self, knowing what you know now?

Have confidence and believe in yourself!

What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Always do your VERY best, this shows respect to others and to yourself.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

To fly, it seems so peaceful and free. It would also be brilliant for travelling the world and seeing different places.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

I love walking in the Welsh countryside (where I live) with my two dogs, followed by a refreshing swim in the nearby lake.

What’s something on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?

I want to travel more, and experience different cultures. 🌍✈️

Irina Simkine

Software Engineer

“I’m naturally curious and always eager to learn, constantly striving to improve and embrace new experiences.”

Can you tell us about your journey at Wilcom and how you got started in the embroidery?

In 1992, my young family and I began a new chapter, arriving in Australia on an independent visa. Our decision to choose Australia was made with limited information, but the idea of living in a multi-national country with its exotic climate appealed to us. 😎

Growing up in the former USSR, sewing, knitting, and creating our own clothes was a way of life for many women. I recall making clothes for myself and my daughter, doing hand appliqué and embroidery on some of the garments. How excited I was waiting every month for the next issue of Burda Modern!

Like many women, I dreamed of being able to get a degree. I was fortunate to have a school director and teachers who encouraged all students to continue their studies and obtain higher education. 🎓 I completed a degree that included programming and then worked for a short time before arriving in Australia. 

Embroidery, to me, was always a handcraft. Now, at Wilcom, for over 20 years, I have contributed to the innovation in embroidery software that helps businesses all over the world. 🌍

When looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in your career?

I don’t look back; I am happy where I am. 😊 At Wilcom, I am part of a wonderful team filled with talent, knowledge, and a great sense of humor. I have learned a lot from my colleagues, both young and experienced. 

How do you define success, and do you feel you’ve achieved it?

To me, success is achieving meaningful milestones in life, such as finishing school or university, having a fulfilling job, most importantly, raising children, and supporting your elderly parents.

Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests?

I love the beach, swimming, walking, going out, and traveling with friends. In my spare time, I listen to podcasts on various topics: philosophy, psychology, biology, politics, and history. Not that I understand it all.

… And I like to watch short reels about cute animals. It’s a guilty pleasure! 💙

What is your greatest ambition?

My greatest ambition was to come to Australia. Now, my ambitions are more modest. I would love to read and understand more. It would be great to learn something new—perhaps another language. I love the passion and energy of Spanish.

What technological device or software can you not live without?

Oh, there are many. I rely heavily on podcasts for long walks🚶‍♀️, maps for navigation, Spotify for music, and the calendar for organization. 📆 

I also value chat apps for staying in touch with friends and my camera for capturing memories.

The Health app is an odd one I know, but it prompts you to consider things you may have never thought about before. Amazing! 🩺🌈 

What advice would you give to your younger self, knowing what you know now?

That would have been useless, as I wouldn’t have listened! 😉 Life is unpredictable, and what may seem like good advice in hindsight may not have been the right choice at the time.

Happy International Women’s Day


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