Reporting design information
with EmbroideryStudio
How do you present the design embroidery information to your customers and the rest of your team? Well, EmbroideryStudio has built-in customizable reporting capabilities.
Built-in Reporting
EmbroideryStudio is a comprehensive embroidery software program with customizable reporting options for any of your business needs. Reports can contain some or all of the details of the order or embroidered design. The information reported is selectable. What is selected depends on who needs the information and how much information you want to provide.
EmbroideryStudio’s pre-defined report types include Approval Forms, Production Worksheets, Production Summaries, and Color Films.
Information presented
The reports may include all or some of the below information depending on requirement.
- Design title
- Customer name and reference details
- Barcode for scanning
- Stitch count
- Design size
- TrueView representation of the design
- Colors in the design
- Zoom options
- Sales Rep
- Digitizer and date created.
- Machine required information, including trims, stops, machine format, fabric and more
- Color information, with access to multiple colorways
- Company logo
- Company Terms and Conditions
Customer Reports
Approval Forms
It is good practice to provide customers with an APPROVAL FORM. It means you have written design approval. This Approval Form may be enough on it’s own, or it may also require an accompanying sample stitch out. Remember color representation varies on different computer monitors.
With the design open in EmbroideryStudio, click File – Print Preview. This displays a PDF preview. Click the OPTIONS button in the top bar to select Approval Form.
The Approval Form contains basic design information such as a color image of the embroidered design, the design name, design dimensions, and how many colors are used.
There is some custom information that you can include, such as your own company logo, terms and conditions of use, order information, and even the design position information.
Once you select the information you want to include in the Approval Form, click Send PDF via Email. An email will automatically be generated, which can be sent to your customer.
Add Your Company Logo to the Approval Forms
The customization pop-up includes a section called Company, with an option to upload your company logo and add your own Terms and Conditions.
If you prefer, click Save as PDF to save or print directly from EmbroideryStudio.
Multiple Approval Forms for ONE logo.
Remember that ONE customer logo might have multiple embroidery designs depending on the application or product usage. For example, the order might involve polo shirts, caps, and towels. Each embroidery design will have a different size, underlay, stitch count, and other variations, so each should have its own approval form.
Team Reports
Production Worksheets, Production Summaries and Color Film
The information provided in the Production Reports can be helpful for many in your team, including machinists, production managers, administration staff, and anyone needing the design information.
Production Worksheets are designed to show a single design in a single colorway with a one-to-one scale view (in most cases), plus clear thread sequence instructions for the selected colorway.
The worksheet provides the machine operator with all the necessary design and thread information to stitch the design.
Production Summaries include summary information about a design, including ALL the selected colorways at a glance. This may be useful for both machine operators and administrative staff.
When threading up the machine heads, seeing all the colorways at a glance can help with the economics of scale.
The colorways created for the embroidery design are listed in the Colorways Tab.
The all-in-one EMB file stores the digitized embroidery design, stitch count, stops, trims etc. It can also store multiple colorways for different colored products.
Click all the colorways you want to print from a single screen.
Color Films provide a color-by-color breakdown for the machine operator or production manager to visualize the design by color. It includes thread estimates for each color used, assisting with thread stock levels.
Design Information Docker
The Design Information Docker houses the design, customer, and order text information and is helpful, but only if the time is taken to fill in the detail when digitizing.
All or part of the information can be transferred to the production sheets for a full picture. It will also be extremely helpful when later searching for designs via the Design Library.
To Exit and Close Print Preview
Click the CLOSE Button next to OPTION on the main screen.
See it in Action
There is so much more to learn about EmbroideryStudio’s reporting capabilities.