Keyboard Shortcut “H” is one of my top 10 shortcut keys. Objects need to be reshaped for all sorts of reasons, perhaps to make a slight adjustment to correct a registration issue or improve the shape of a design element.
The Reshape icon is found under the Object Select icon in the Toolbox.
When the Reshape Tool is activated a Reshape Views dialog will appear somewhere on your work space.
The four icons display or hide:
- The shape nodes
- Bezier Angle Tool
- Stitch Angle
- Start and Finish location
While the first icon is the most used and useful there are 3 other tools in the Reshape Toolbar
- Stitch Edit
- Keep Last Stitch
- Omit Last Stitch
I need to say, I rarely if ever use these last 3 tools nowadays. Remember the software tools create objects and fill each object’s shape with stitches according to the properties applied to the shape. It is important to understand that when a file is saved as an emb file then only the shape and properties relating to the shape are saved, no actual stitch points, so moving an individual stitch and saving as an emb file the stitch edit will be lost. The only time a stitch edit will be saved is if the file is saved as a machine file e.g. a .dst.
The last two icons toggle between leaving the last stitch in an object or removing it. With the closest join feature these icons are now largely irrelevant.
Your info regarding below is wrong. kindly check and update the article.
“It is important to understand that when a file is saved as an emb file then only the shape and properties relating to the shape are saved, no actual stitch points, so moving an individual stitch and saving as an emb file the stitch edit will be lost. The only time a stitch edit will be saved is if the file is saved as a machine file e.g. a .dst.”
Stitches moved with stitch edit will remain same even in .emb file, until you regenerate stitches for that object or change its properties.
Stitch edit is a powerful tool and I regularly use the same to reduce my designing time and stitches.
also it is very useful in case of small lettering particularly 3.5 mm to 4 mm.
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your comment. If you save the file as a .dst then sure the stitch edits will be saved, but if you save as an .emb (vector) it is the vector shape that is saved.