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Month: November 2020


Auto Start End Update

In version 4.5 of the software the last stitch of the last object created is identified with a white cross (location of the cursor.) When using the Stitch edit tool or traveling through the design the white cross identifies the stitch the cursor is located on. The start and end point of the design is…

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Flexisplit is an effect that can be applied to Satin or Tatami fills created with any tool. There are dozens of preset Flexisplit patterns available to choose from, each of which can be resized and applied as a single row or multiple rows that can be made to fit to the shape of the object….

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite & Maze Fill

Design a logo with high impact and low stitch count! As a digitizer, you have intimate knowledge of stitches and embroidery. Learn to design your own logos. Here we demonstrate how to create a modern cityscape logo using the integrated CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite software and EmbroideryStudio e4.5.  The rear jacket design is filled with one…

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